- The Loci framework is a C++ library that handles message passing, processor scheduling, and cache optimization for user applications.
- The user application specifies the numerical operations to be performed (“rules” in Loci terminology), but does not specify the order in which they occur. This is done by Loci.
- New applications are built by specifying new rules.
- The CFD code is an application (collection of rules) written in the Loci framework for efficient parallel execution.
- CHEM is a CFD application that is written in the Loci framework, hence the name Loci/CHEM is for the combined software.
- It solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for turbulent, reacting flows of thermally perfect gases on arbitrary unstructured grids (e.g., arbitrary collections of hexes, tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids, or general polyhedral cells).
- Loci allows CHEM to scale efficiently to thousands of processors.
- New capabilities are added to CHEM by adding new Loci rules (e.g., new rules for turbulent transition, two phase flow, or Lagrangian particle motion).
- Scales efficiently to thousands of processors.
- Provides output for third party visualization packages (e.g., FieldView, EnSight, Tecplot)